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Author & Mama

Finally, the world’s easiest way to get kids to calm down fast without yelling, threats, or punishments

Discover the 15-second “Emotional Reset” To Turn Tantrums Into Teachable Moments – Available For A Limited Time

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Using Neuroscience & Mindfulness Methods Backed By 

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I remember the exact moment I became the mom I never wanted to be

My 6-year-old was screaming about her socks feeling weird after 2 outfit changes.

My 3-year-old was refusing to eat the healthy breakfast AGAIN... after told me she that's what she wanted.

And I was seconds away from locking myself in the bathroom to cry.

But I didn't cry.

Something else happened. Something I promised myself that I would NEVER do.

I clenched my jaw... raised my hands...and SLAMMED my fists on the countertop,

I said.

"Why can't you just LISTEN and BEHAVE. For ONCE?!"

I'll never forget the look on my kids' face

You could hear a pin drop.

Look: I'm not perfect. I've yelled before. But I've NEVER completely lost it. At least, not THIS BAD.

My kids looked at me like I was a complete stranger.

In that moment I saw myself through their eyes.. and honestly, I couldn't blame them. I didn't recognize me either.

This was the exact moment I realized I became the mom I NEVER wanted to be.

I turned my home into the place my kids wanted to escape. And it broke my heart.

I used to love mornings with my kiddos. Now, I dreaded them. But I couldn’t help it.

Everything felt SO HARD and being the type of parent I wanted to be for my kids... literally felt IMPOSSIBLE.

That's when I realized, there HAD to be a better way.

Because I didn't just want to be a parent. I wanted to be a GOOD parent.

I wanted to be the parent my kids loved, trusted, and looked to for guidance and support... while still being respected and listened to.

I told myself I would do whatever it takes because that's what my family deserves

I didn't know how I was going to fix it.

All I knew was that I was committed to fixing it.

I was committed getting myself and my family out of the CONSTANT "yelling cycle" that was tearing us all apart.

No matter how hard it was, no matter how long it took.

I would fight for our family. For my children. For the mom I knew I could be.

And boy, did I FIGHT.

I tried parenting books, tips I found on Instagram and TikTok, YouTube videos, and everything in between.

Most of what I tried either didn't work or was IMPOSSIBLE to stick to.

I wasn't trying to be the "perfect mom"... I just wanted to do better.


Just as I was ready to give up...

A playdate with a stressed Out Super Mom changed EVERYTHING for me...

During a playdate at the park I watched my friend Sarah calm her daughter's tantrum in SECONDS.

Sarah always had this calm, confident demeanor. It’s something I admired (and envied) about her.

I figured she was naturally a super chill and confident person…

But when I saw her kneel down in front of her daughter and wash away the tropical tantrum storm almost immediately?

I knew Sarah knew something I didn’t. And I couldn’t stop thinking about it.

What did Sarah know that I didn't?

What was her secret weapon against the parenting battles I was losing every day?

I knew that if I wanted to turn things around with my kids, I needed to get my hands on Sarah's secret.

So I sent Sarah an awkward text that night and asked her.

She shared A strange neuroscience-based "emotional-reset" technique With Me...

The same technique she used to create an instant calming response with her kids when they were having BIG emotions.

The more I learned, the more excited I got...

Because it was like having an “emotional reset button” whenever you need it.

The very next day, I tried it with my son during a cereal box meltdown at the grocery store.

I spent the first 10 minutes trying to get him to calm down the “old way” – redirecting, negotiating, threatening with consequences.

At this point, the judgy “bad mom” stares from other people in the store were burning a hole into my back and it took every ounce of energy not to yell or give in just to make it stop.

Instead… I took a deep breath, knelt in front of my son, and used the “emotional reset” technique I learned from Sarah.

Within 30 seconds he stopped crying and he calmed his body down. Shortly after, he looks at me and asks “can I help you push the cart?”

Just like that, my son completely forgot about the cereal meltdown, and we finished grocery shopping as a team!

I felt a wave of emotions wash over me – relief, joy, empowerment.

A calm confidence that I never really felt before.

That's when I knew I had discovered something truly transformative.

This was the beginning of a new chapter for me and my family

Suddenly, our daily life looked (and felt) like a night and day difference.

Mornings weren't a war zone anymore.

Getting everyone dressed, fed, and out the door felt... dare I say it... almost easy?

Bedtime, which used to make me want to cry (and sometimes did), became a peaceful wind-down that I actually looked forward to.

Trips to the store?

No longer my personal nightmare. We could actually get through a shopping trip WITHOUT a meltdown (massive win!)

  • I looked forward to picking my kids up from school, eager to hear about their day.

  • Bedtime cuddles became a cherished time of connection, not a battleground.

  • Family dinners turned into laughter-filled conversations instead of negotiation sessions.

I found myself genuinely excited for weekend activities, rather than dreading potential public tantrums.

The guilt that used to gnaw at me was replaced by a sense of confidence and joy.

I was becoming the mother I had always dreamed of being, and it made my heart SO happy.

We finally had a way to help my kids manage big emotions WITHOUT resorting to yelling, threats, or punishments

Our family went from surviving to thriving.

The stress that clouded our home was replaced with the love that had always been there, waiting to shine through.

Best of all…

My kids had an emotional regulation tool that will serve them for LIFE.

This wasn't just about helping our kids calm down...

It was about building stronger bonds, fostering emotional intelligence, and creating a home filled with understanding and support – while turning near tantrums into teachable moments.

I felt like I found THE missing puzzle piece so I can raise my kids in a way that allows them to succeed and thrive.

That's why I'm so excited to share it with you…

Now REVEALING: "Calm Kids Fast"
a counterintuitive & holistic parenting Technique For 2024 (and Beyond)

Calm Kids Fast is a groundbreaking program that offers a counterintuitive, holistic approach to parenting in 2024. 

It gives you a way to calm your child and get them to listen without resorting to yelling, threats, or punishments.

Here’s what makes Calm Kids Fast different:

  • No focus on punishment or rewards

  • Avoids lengthy explanations or negotiations

  • Doesn't suppress emotions

  • Goes beyond quick fixes to address root causes

Instead, Calm Kids Fast gives you a simple, yet powerful 15-technique that acts as “emotional reset button” for your child.

It’s called the Quick Calm Anchor.

The ‘Quick Calm Anchor’ is your parenting shortcut in 2024

This isn’t a short-lived parenting fix that you forget to use or that stops working. 

The Quick Calm Anchor is backed by neuroscience, using the same principles that help:

  • NASA astronauts stay cool under pressure

  • Surgeons remain steady during operations

  • Olympic athletes perform at their peak

This 15-second technique activates the body's "calming system” to create an instant emotional reset.

We do this by tackling the 3 root causes of most tantrums head on.

Overstimulation and Frustration

✅ Fear and Anxiety

✅ Sadness and Disappointment

By addressing these core emotions with ONE simple Quick Calm Anchor, you're giving your kids an "emotional reset button" to use whenever they need it.

You're not just fixing behavior problems - you're building a foundation for lifelong emotional resilience.

How It Works

Whether you're facing morning meltdowns, bedtime battles, or public tantrums…

Calm Kids Fast gives you an emotional reset button that can help your kids go from upset to calm... and from not listening to cooperating.

Best of all? It works for parents too!

Calm Kids Fast exists so Parents And TCan look forward to…

✨ Successful Mornings

No more morning meltdowns—get everyone out the door on time without tears or tantrums.

🌙 Peaceful Bedtime

Transform nighttime struggles into calm, restful evenings for the whole family.

🛒 Stress-Free Shopping

Navigate stores and run errands smoothly, free from worry about public meltdowns.

😊 Quality Family Time

Enjoy outings and activities together without disruptive behaviors spoiling the fun.

🗣️ Kid Compliance

Experience children who listen and follow directions the first time you ask.

🤝 Stronger Bond

Cultivate a deeper, more trusting relationship with your children that lasts a lifetime.

💪 Emotional Resilience

Equip your kids with powerful tools to manage their emotions and stay focused.

🦸 Confident & Capable

Watch your children tackle new challenges with remarkable self-assurance and skill.

🏅 Proud Parenting

Face each day confidently, knowing you have the tools to handle any parenting challenge.

Here’s A Sneak Peek At What You’ll Discover Inside Calm Kids Fast:

  • The 15-Second "Quick Calm Anchor" technique for instant emotional reset

  • The science behind why Quick Calm Anchors work when nothing else does

  • The 3-step C.A.R.E. process to Calm Kids FAST

  • Why traditional methods backfire and what to do instead

  • Tailoring the approach from toddlers to teens

  • Parent calm-down secrets for when you're about to lose it

  • Transforming daily chaos into bonding opportunities

  • Meltdown prevention and public confidence boosters

  • "Brain hacking" basics: The 3 core emotions for instant calm

  • Making emotional regulation a natural part of family life

And so much more so you can create a peaceful, connected home...

No matter how "tough" parenting can be.

The #1 Parenting Mistake
(And How to Avoid It)

Ever feel like you're stuck in an endless battle with your kids?

If so, you’re not alone.

There are TWO TYPES of parents: "Consequence Commanders" & "Emotional Intelligence Enhancers."

Most parents unknowingly fall into the "Consequence Commander" trap.

When in reality, they want to be an "Emotional Intelligence Enhancer."

Because Emotional Intelligence Enhancers care about raising strong, confident, capable, and emotionally healthy children.

Why Calm Kids Fast Works When Other Methods Fail

Calms Kids Fast is backed by neuroscience, biology, and emotional maturity.

Your child's brain has two key players, the amygdala (emotion center) and the prefrontal cortex (logic center).

When your child is emotional the amygdala HIJACKS their brain, shutting down access to the logical prefrontal cortex.

Which simply means…

When your child is upset they can NOT think logically or learn new behaviors.

This is why threats, pressure, and yelling don’t work.

Ever feel like you’re talking to a brick wall when your kids are upset?

Well, neurologically speaking, you are talking to a brick wall.

This is where these 15-second Quick Calm Anchors are so helpful.

All you have to do is use the Quick Calm Anchor technique to:

✅ Instantly trigger calm, security, and happiness

✅ Soothe emotions by calming the emotion center

✅ Restore clear thinking by engaging the logic center

✅ Create the ideal state for learning and teachable moments

Just so we’re clear this isn't some woo-woo “feel-good” mumbo jumbo...

Techniques in Calm Kids Fast are backed by science and used by experts and top performers worldwide

Harvard Researchers

Emotions are key to learning. Our techniques boost your child's academic performance.

Olympic Champions

Champions like Michael Phelps use similar mental techniques to stay calm under intense pressure.

Google & Apple

Support similar mindfulness methods taught in Calm Kids Fast for peak productivity.


Yale Proves

Emotional intelligence trumps IQ for life success. We're building your child's EQ muscles.



Uses similar brain-based principles to train astronauts. Help your kids reach for the stars.

Many More

These techniques are transforming lives. Now, it's your family's turn.

Limited Time Offer: 50% 'Case Study Collection' Discount!

When You Say Yes To Calm Kids Fast Today, You’ll Also Get These 3 Special Gifts For FREE

free GIFT #1

Quick Calm Anchor

Cheat Sheet

Get everything you need to use Quick Calm Anchors on one page. Never forget a step or feel confused about what to do next. Start using this powerful technique confidently, even as a beginner. 


free GIFT #2

Peaceful Mornings


End morning chaos with this simple, step-by-step guide. Know exactly what to do and when, so you can get everyone out the door on time without stress or arguments. 


free GIFT #3

Quick Calm Bedtime


Transform bedtime struggles into a peaceful routine with our easy-to-follow plan. Learn exactly what to do, step-by-step, to help your child fall asleep without fuss or fights.


free bonus #4

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Now, you might be wondering how much something like this could cost.

Similar programs or parent coaching can cost hundreds or even THOUSANDS of dollars.

But I'm on a mission to make the life-changing benefits of Quick Calm Anchors accessible to every parent who needs them.

That's why I'm offering the complete Calm Kids Fast training, including all the tips and scripts including the Quick Calm Technique for $197 for just $27 today.

Why am I offering it at such a low price?

Because I’ve seen firsthand how challenging it can be when kids struggle with big emotions.

I've watched too many parents feel overwhelmed and helpless in these moments.

And this is my way of helping turn those challenges into opportunities for growth and teachable moments.

But I understand if you're still hesitant.

After all, parenting is tough, and it’s natural to be cautious about new approaches…

Especially with new things that are different from what you’ve tried in the past.

But if there's one thing I learned about being a mother…

It’s that a lot of good can come from keeping an open mind and trying new things.

 That's why Calm kids fast Comes with a 30-day money back guarantee

If you don't see a dramatic improvement in your child's behavior and your family dynamic, simply email us for a full refund.

You have nothing to lose and a lifetime of peaceful parenting to gain.

Don't let another day go by feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, or disconnected from your kids.

Say Yes to Calm Kids Fast and start your journey to a more peaceful, joyful family life today.

Rooting for you,


Creator of Calm Kids Fast

Say goodbye to endless tantrums, exhausting power struggles, and guilt-ridden parenting...

With Calm Kids Fast, you'll finally be able to...

  • Transform chaotic mornings into smooth, stress-free starts to your day

  • Turn bedtime battles into peaceful, connection-filled evenings

  • Navigate public meltdowns with confidence, free from judgment and embarrassment

Here's A Quick summary Of everything You’re Getting For $178.00 Just $27.00 Today

just $27.00 now - PRICE GOING UP to $178.00 SOON!

Today's Bundle Deal

  • Calm Kids Fast Masterclass

  • Free Gift: Quick Calm Cheat Sheet

  • Free Gift: Peaceful Mornings Checklist

  • Free Gift: Quick Calm Bedtime Routine

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Why 1,000+ Customers Recommend Us...

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frequently asked questions

Will this work for my strong-willed/spirited/neurodivergent child?

Absolutely! The Quick Calm Anchor is adaptable with children of all temperaments and neurotypes. Many parents find it especially effective for intense or strong-spirited kids. The course includes specific guidance for adapting the technique for different needs and challenges.

I've tried everything else - how is this different?

Unlike traditional methods, the Quick Calm Anchor works directly with your child's nervous system. It creates an almost instant state change, opening the door for learning and cooperation. It's a neuroscience-backed approach addressing both emotional and behavioral challenges.

How long before I see results?

Many families report improvement within the first few days. With consistent use, you can expect significant changes within 2-3 weeks. Our 21-day program is structured to provide noticeable progress each day.

I'm busy (and stressed), how much time will this take?

The training is very manageable. Once you've learned and "installed" the Quick Calm Anchor (which takes a few minutes to install), you can use it right away. We recommend doing it a few times to start which should only take 10-15 minutes in total. You'll be surprised this little step actually saves you so much time by preventing lengthy meltdowns and negotiations.

Will this work for older kids/teenagers?

1,000%! While the outcomes are slightly different this technique is effective for all ages. Many teens find it empowering to have a tool to manage their own emotions, building lifelong emotional intelligence skills. This is also an amazing skill for us parents!

I'm worried I'll never be able to stay calm. Can this really help me too?

Totally understand where you're coming from. The Quick Calm Anchor technique is a powerful tool for parents too. Many find that practicing these techniques alongside their children improves their own ability to stay calm under pressure. Remember, our children model our behavior and action. This is an extremely healthy thing to do with, in front of, and for your children.

What if my partner isn't on board?

Who isn't on board with calmer kids, less tantrums, and a closer and more enjoyable bond with their kids? haha. We get the hesitation, the Quick Calm Anchor technique is new and different. Some people don't like change. But it's REALLY effective. We find once the other partner see the results (which happens fast) they're 1,000,000 percent on board and even do it for themselves.

How does this compare to traditional methods?

Calm Kids Fast is priced at a fraction of traditional therapy or parenting classes. Our program gives you proven, practical tools that deliver real results—often within days. Many parents find the value gained far outweighs the small one-time investment.

What if it doesn't work for me?

We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you're not completely satisfied, simply let us know within 30 days and we'll refund your purchase price, no questions asked.

Will this eliminate ALL tantrums, forever?

Honey, they're kids. Do I look like a genie!? That's absolutely, positively impossible. No matter what anyone tells you. Their teeny little brains and bodies are changing SO fast it's unbelievable. Calms Kids Fast gives you tools to manage emotions more effectively and get things under control when they escalate. Plus, it significantly reduces the frequency and intensity of tantrums. Many parents report that major meltdowns become minor bumps in the road, turning the emotional rollercoaster into more of a gentle carousel ride.

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